There are several options to gain your work experience. Check out your campus student employment services or career centre. Here are some other resources:
- Many federal departments and agencies offer summer programs that give students practical and professional work experience related to their areas of study. You may apply to these through the Federal Student Work Experience Program (FSWEP). FSWEP helps you gain valuable work experience within the federal government.
- A co-operative education placement during your post-secondary studies will allow you to gain valuable work experience related to your field of study.
- Visit the Employment Programs page for information on programs tailored to meet your work experience needs.
- Depending on your career goals, an apprenticeship may be just what you need to learn a trade on the job and earn wages at the same time.
- Volunteering will also provide you with a great opportunity to gain valuable work skills, meet people and help your community.
- Take a working holiday abroad or get other international work experience through the youth mobility program.
- Have a terrific business idea in mind? Starting your own business will allow you to be your own boss and gain valuable personal work experience.
- The Government of Canada youth website helps with career planning, education, looking for employment, managing your finances, among many other topics.
- Students and recent graduates can find summer job and internship opportunities from across Canada through Young Canada Works. This program includes opportunities to improve second language skills, work in heritage preservation and within Canada's national parks system.